Introduction of Graphics Design Beginner's Guide

Graphics Design Introduction,Graphics Design Introduction,graphics,techinfo

Graphics Design Definition

Graphic design is the profession of visual communication of ideas and experiences that combines images, words, and ideas to convey information to the desired audience. In other words, graphic design is communication design; It’s a way of conveying ideas through the use of typography, photography, and illustration. 

Graphics Design

By applying visual hierarchy and page layout techniques, designers use typography and pictures to meet users’ specific needs and focus on the logic of displaying elements in interactive designs, to optimize the user experience. It also involves creative and systematic planning to solve a problem for certain objectives, by the use of images, symbols, even words, etc.

Principles of graphic design
The principles of design refer to how the designer arranges the various components of a page layout to ensure the elements of the overall design are connected to one another. The principles of design as the following:

BalanceVisual balance in graphic design is done by using symmetry and asymmetry. This is achieved by such shapes, text boxes and images and other elements are distributed evenly. Balance is important because it provides structure and stability to a design. Designers can choose between a balanced design or an off-balanced layout. In the context of graphic design, balance is of three types.
Symmetrical, Asymmetrical, Radial

Alignment: Alignment is the design will be well organized. All aspects of the design should be aligned with the top, bottom, centre, or sides to create a visual connection between the elements.

Proximity: Proximity creates a visual relationship between the elements of the design that placing similar design elements close together produces a more effective visual design.

Repetition:Repetition ties together individual elements and strengthens the design but creates a feeling of organized movement.

Contrast: Contrast is important in any form of visual art as it guides the customer’s attention to the key elements of a design. Contrast is formed when design elements are placed in opposition on a layout. 
Example of such:
Contemporary vs traditional
Large vs small
Dark vs light
Thick vs thin

Rhythm Different elements to create a more organised and consistent look by following of rhythm principle. Repetition of certain elements such as logos or colour can help make a brand easily recognisable and strengthen the overall look. 
Rhythm is classified into two types;
Fluid, Progressive 

Colour and space 
Choosing the right colour can help the tone of the design creatively. Designers can choose from a wide range of colour combinations for the background and text of the layout. Graphic designers use a colour palette to choose colours that can create contrast or even work together to complement other elements that look good.

Types of graphic design

Corporate design (logos and branding), logos are meant to represent companies brands or corporate identities and foster their immediate customer recognition,

Corporate Design

Editorial design (magazines, newspapers, books, Business cards), Editorial designers make up a large part of the graphic design field. They work on the layout and visual aesthetics of books, newspapers, magazines, online publications and other media

Editorial Design

Wayfinding or environmental design, 

Environmental Graphic Design (EGD) embraces many design disciplines including graphic, architectural, interior, landscape, and industrial design.

Wayfinding or environmental design

Web design is the process of creating websites. It encompasses several different aspects, including webpage layout, content production, and graphic design.Web designers must consider and combine a variety of the design elements – such as layout, images, and typography – to create a user-friendly, pleasant front-end

Web Design

Product packaging, and signage.

Packaging is the science, art and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale, and use. Packaging also refers to the process of designing and evaluating.

Product Packaging 

UX design User experience (UX) design is the process design teams use to create products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. UX design, is also known as user experience design. 
UX designers work to improve a product’s usability, accessibility, and users’ pleasant interaction with the product, with the goal of maximizing customer satisfaction.

UX Design

UI Design User interface (UI) design is the process designers use to build interfaces in software or computerized devices, focusing on looks or style. UI design refers to graphical user interfaces and other forms—e.g., voice-controlled interfaces.
This type of design requires a good understanding of users’ requirements because it focuses on anticipating what users will need to do and ensuring that the interface has the elements that make those actions possible.

UI Design

Examples of user interface graphic design :
Web page design
Theme design (WordPress, Shopify, etc.)
Game interfaces
App design

Best Graphic Design Software

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator



Mega Creator

Affinity Designer

Adobe InDesign

CorelDRAW Graphics



Gravit Designer and more...

Graphic Design Skills

A graphic designer’s primary target is to create visual concepts that communicate solutions and ideographics. Designers bring together art and technology, so they need a knowledge of design principles combined with design software. Because they often work with clients and colleagues on various projects, they also need important soft skills for solving easily.

How can skill a designer?

Study design theory

Read a book

Get the most from feedback

Start a side project


Try changing your software

Discuss with other designers

Conclusion :

If you are a good graphics designer you will be doing the above category perform for yourself, your company, or any required client. Graphics designer has many opportunities to do their activities through people. 

If you are a graphics designer you also work as a freelancer to any client by virtual support with smart remuneration in different online marketplaces like Upwork, Fiver, Freelancer, 99 design, Toptal and more...

So graphics design and designers have several creative work opportunities worldwide in many creative fields.



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HrTech-TutorialsPoint: Introduction of Graphics Design Beginner's Guide
Introduction of Graphics Design Beginner's Guide
Graphics Design Introduction,Graphics Design Introduction,graphics,techinfo
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